Ghost 5.0 Patrol Trigger Connector and Complete Spring Kit

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Patrol 5.0lb Trigger Connector & Ghost Complete Spring Kit

for Glock GEN 1-4 !!

New & Improved-designed for bullet proof reliability & Ideal for duty! GHOST PATROL 5.0 lb. was named in honor of the Georgia State Patrol. This great agency was the first major law enforcement agency to adopt a Ghost product. I came up with this design while I was attending a Glock Advanced Law Enforcement Armorers School at Glock's US factory. We had to repair Glocks that were in various stages of disrepair and/or non-operability. One Glock in particular that I was tasked to repair would not fire. I did all the trouble shooting techniques but I could not determine why the pistol still failed to fire. The instructor came and asked what the problem was described the problem he smiled and stated that the problem was a "connector trigger friction failure" that can happen on all Glocks. The solution was to change the connector, trigger & lubricate the contact points. Upon experimentation I discovered that this problem could be solved by the addition of at least one hole where the "connector trigger friction" was at its greatest. These holes make your Glock more reliable and because the holes are center line in the body of the connector the connector is not subject to torsion or bending.

This is why the PATROL is the only trigger connector designed specifically for the extremes and rigors of Law Enforcement Patrol-it will make your Glock more reliable! The holes remove debris that would normally choke your Glock and increase the problem of "connector trigger friction failure". This trigger connector was designed to keep your Glock firing under the most adverse conditions. The "HOLES" remove debris from the trigger mechanism and reduces the friction inherent with the Glock trigger mechanism. These unique features are critical for hardcore reliable trigger functioning and are only available with the patent pending GHOST PATROL. This is a no "holes" barred-down and dirty-hardcore trigger connector. When your life is on the line there is nothing better than a GHOST PATROL in your Glock.

Recommended: A gunsmith or armorer should install this connector.

Ghost Complete Trigger Spring Kit

This is a complete drop in trigger kit is designed to help you fine tune and improve your trigger pull, and function in competition pistols, and for Self defense Carry or Hunting pistols.

Included in the kit are 4 Drop in Springs

4lb Reduced Power Striker Spring

6lb Extra Power Striker Spring

Reduced Power Safety Block Plunger Spring

6lb Extra Power Trigger Spring (Extra power reduces the pull weight)

The Ghost Complete Drop in Spring Kit gives your Glock a smooth, crisp, lightened Trigger pull that helps promote consistent, match-grade accuracy. You can change specific springs to improve a particular aspect of the trigger pull, or do a complete upgrade.

Accurately calibrated spring weights deliver consistent force through the entire compression and release cycle to give you a light, refined trigger pull without sacrificing the reliability of your pistol s Safe Action system. Trigger Spring has nearly 30% more power than factory spring, which actually reduces pull by as much as 1 lb. for improved control. This produces faster trigger reset for quicker follow up shots. Reduced power Safety Spring reduces friction caused by the firing pin safety, further smoothing the pull. Striker Spring is designed for improved consistency and durability over factory spring.

You can choose the Competition Lighter Striker Spring or the Heavier Self Defense Striker spring.

Warning: This kit is for competition use only - not for duty use.

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